CRANFOS has the right experience, knowhow and the right personnel to supply the client with the most economical and efficient options who wish to update filtering sleeves, replace the set of sleeves or even acquire a new installation. Our team is qualified to offer our clients services in turn key regimen, within the schedule and budget.
The first 48 hours are critical for the life cycle of new filtering sleeves. CRANFOS offers real practices and effective solutions to help our clients to:
•Control the initial gas speed not to ruin the sleeves.
•Right commissioning and start up to avoid gas dew point from ruining or even blocking unprotected sleeves.
•Selected the right material as well as determine the right amount to perform sleeve preload for each type of installation.
•Adjust the best cleaning cycle to save energy and stretch the filtering sleeve’s useful life.
CRANFOS starts the reform or the turn key project understanding the client’s productive process, the needed equipment, so as to bring about the solution that fits each project’s needs.
•Sleeve replacement services guarantee that the new sleeves be installed the right way, so, the filter starts operation in a quick and efficient way.
•Quality results are delivered within project schedule and budget.
•CRANFOS works to ensure that the client’s investment be efficient, and the sleeve’s useful life long lasting.
•Maintenance costs are effectively minimized.