A Cranfos fornece aos clientes uma gama completa de serviços profissionais e técnicos para reformas e upgrades em precipitadores eletrostáticos e filtros de mangas.
Acreditamos na contínua aprendizagem adquirida em nossos clientes durante as instalações de novos equipamentos, bem como as reformas e upgrades de instalações existentes. Assim, podemos aplicar com segurança nosso conhecimento em todas as aplicações da indústria.
CRANFOS has thorough know-how to evaluate if the installation is correctly dimensioned for an optimum long term operational performance. We have experienced mechanical, electrical and instrumentation engineers, as well as designers and field technicians with hands-on experience to assure our clients efficient and economical solutions.
CRANFOS’ team of engineers and specialized technicians are ready to support our client’s needs – anywhere and anytime (even emergency telephone consulting).
CRANFOS always suggests the client the best alternatives in terms of upgrades, including the transformation of the Precipitator into a Bag Filter. Our practical experience in this type of project helps the client find the best results.
•Create a reliable bag filter using the shell of the existing precipitator.
•Reduce energy consumption.
•Choice of the best material for filtering sleeves to reach the best collecting efficiency, extend the sleeve’s useful life and reduce the differential pressure.
•Relieve the use of existing dust conveying system.
•Relieve the use of existing fan.
•Relieve the use of existing ducts, even when there is an increase in the plant’s production capacity.
•More economical than a new filtering sleeve.
•Short term to perform the services.